
Lexy Pierce

Lexy Pierce

You’ve done a lot of traveling. What have you learned from each of the places you’ve been, from New York to Australia to Philly and so forth?

I've been so lucky to live in 3 amazing cities since I graduated college 5 years ago: New York, Sydney and currently Philadelphia. Each place has provided different experiences and helped me grow in different ways. New York is where I entered the "real world" and offered me the opportunity of living in the greatest city in the world. Living in New York was always exciting to me; the city lives up to every stereotype it has (both positive and negative), but I reached a point where my identity was mostly wrapped up in the fact that I lived there and I wanted a new experience. Buying a one-way ticket to Australia where I knew no one and didn't know where I would live or work lived up to every expectation I had. I try not to preach about traveling alone because I know it's not for everyone but if the thought has ever entered your mind I can't recommend it enough. Sydney taught me that I can call any city my home and that I want to have many home cities throughout my lifetime. Now I am back in my (original) home city of Philadelphia which has been teaching me a lot about the importance of community. 

Would you say light and shadows are what you’re drawn to most to shoot? If so, how come? If not, what instead?

Absolutely! Light is my biggest source of inspiration, though I can't really say eyes are just always on the lookout for interesting light and I will wait until someone or something enters that light to get the shot I have in mind.

Where is on the top of your list to travel to next?

This is a tough one (because the answer is anywhere really!) I think South America will be the next big trip I take. I made some good friends who live in Uruguay while I was in Australia so I could start there and hopefully backpack a few other countries!

Best airline to fly?

Sadly I can't say it's one in the States...Virgin Australia, Qantas, and Jet Star all offered much better service for a cheaper price than anything I've experienced lately at home. 

Are Philly cheesesteaks overrated or underrated?

I'd say they're appropriately-rated, there's a lot of hype but I think it's deserved :) Though if you're coming to Philly it's worth avoiding Pat's/Geno's and checking out Jim's or John's. 

Favorite subject in school?

This one's easy, history!

Interview by Jack Sommer