
Tom Bolduc

Tom Bolduc

How do you like the new Instagram update (horizontal and verticals can be posted now)? Do you think you'll be putting it to use?

I haven't been posting much since the update but from what I can see from my feed  the feature seems nice. I like the fact it keeps the "grid" consistent as well as giving full frame when viewing larger. I have tried it once and yes I will be using it going forward.

You're one of the remaining shooters that sticks to using the iPhone, how do you feel about that? Any reason why? 

I enjoyed the concept of the app when it first dropped it was what differentiated its self from other sites like Flickr. When people started uploading DSLR images it seemed to take some of the apps appeal away and like others I chose to go iPhone only and I've stayed with it. 

From your feed we see that you enjoy snapping photos of your little one, does she like being in front of the camera or you have to convince her? Are the shots harder to capture than they seem? 

She really enjoys it most of the time because I'm a goof ball with her and when she is into it it's really easy. If she's not into it then I'll try and get some candids. She's on the move a lot more now though so it is becoming a bit more difficult.

What is your favorite thing or place to shoot?

So many but a few are... NYC structures, anything Maine and as previously mentioned my daughter.

What is your favorite time of day to shoot?

When I can... Early early morning and fog.

If you could sit and play a game/toy for 30 minutes (could be an app, video game, board game, or any toy, from childhood or recent) what would it be? In other words, what's your favorite game.

A game very few play. Cribbage.

What's your Favorite film?

Tough to name just one... Memento, Life is Beautiful and The Professional to name a few.

And lastly, what's your favorite food to eat?


Interview by Kevin De Los Santos